Ready for a new fundraising strategy? Excited about getting involved and planning your fundraiser but don't know where to begin? Well, worry-not! Below are some creative and popular fundraising ideas to get you started! Already a fundraiser expert? Awesome! Perhaps these ideas will give your fundraising a fun refresh!

Board Game Night
A night of cozy competition—and fundraising! Set up a hall or house with various stations featuring board games, card games, and story games for adults and kids. Encourage donors to come in their comfiest pajamas, onesies, and snuggies and bring their competitive spirits along with their donations. Have prizes for winners and hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Cultural Dessert Swap
Pure nostalgia! Everyone has a favorite dessert—maybe something they ate as a child or a decadent treat from a special life moment. Invite supporters to a dessert-and-cocktail hour where they bring the goods! Their donation gets them votes so they can recognize their favorite dessert, and the sweet treat with the most votes walks away with bragging rights (and maybe a prize.)

Charity Golf Tournament
Charity Golf tournaments are probably where fundraising events started! Neanderthals probably golfed for charity. Golf tournaments of all sorts bring in loads of funds, which is why it’s a top fundraising idea all over the nonprofit landscape. If you want to put your own spin on it, think of ways to include your constituents or donors that have never golfed before.
Art Class
Get a creative supporter or a local artist to unlock the creativity bursting from donors! Hold regular art classes or just a one-off doodling class. This is a great way for people to get together and meet for something interesting outside of dinner or a movie, and they can support your cause at the same time.

Block Party
A block party is a classic way to bring your community together and fundraise at the same time. Make it potluck or catered, live music or a playlist, BYO lawn chair or seating provided, but make sure you have lots of entertainment for the kiddos—think sidewalk chalk, hula hoops, jump ropes, and bubble wands.
Care Packages for Armed Forces
What’s better than getting a care package in the mail? Nothing, except sending one. This fundraising idea is for more than just military-focused nonprofits; as you reach out to your donor base, pledge to send a certain number of packages to armed forces for each $1000 you raise. You can even get your donors in on the fun by hosting a package-assembly-line event. Get your local VA to make a guest appearance!

Car Wash
Ahhh, Ye Olde Car Wash, a classic fundraiser. Throw it waaaay back with this event and ask local classic car owners to bring their babies for a loving handwash. Advertise a Car Wash and Show to get people to come with their own cars. If your neighborhood fire department has an old fire engine that you can wash, that’s another tried-and-true way to get families to your event
Summer Movie Night
Here’s how to host your own outdoor movie showing to raise money for the organization:
-Select a desirable location
-Rent a giant inflatable movie screen
-Arrange film rental & projection equipment
-Publicize your event and sell advance tickets
-Raise more funds with food, entertainment, contests, raffles, etc

Community Yard Sale
Your community will love a neighborhood or group yard sale, and it’s an easy way to get donations. The best way to maximize donations from a community yard sale is to ask sellers to either pledge a portion of their sales to your nonprofit or offer to sell the goods they bring. Either way, you win, they win, and yard sales aficionados win!
Drawing Contest
All ages welcome! Hold an ongoing drawing contest for your supporters with a monthly theme. Ask for a small suggested donation to have supporters' artwork featured on your website and entered into the contest. The prize can be a small swag item that you have lots of or it can just be bragging rights on your nonprofit's website and a social media shout out.